Mónica Picorel (Bilbao, 1970)

I live in Barcelona. I have published a photography-and-poetry book, Otras geografías [Other Geographies] (Talón de Aquiles, 2020), and the poetry book Vida secreta de nuestros animales [Secret Life of our Animals] (Baile del Sol, 2023).

My poems have come out in literary magazines such as Periódico de Poesía de la UNAM (Universidad Autónoma de México), Infolibre, Mule, among others, as well as in the Fonoteca Española de Poesía. I have taken part in several Poetry Festivals.

Misael Ruiz (Bruselas, 1960)

I live in Barcelona. I used to teach photography in GrisArt (Barcelona). My photographs have been shown in Barcelona, at the Jardín Botánico in Madrid, at Les Rencontres d’Arles and at the Museum of Modern Art in San José de Costa Rica, among others.

I have published the poetry books El hueco de las cosas [The Hollow of things] (Trea, 2010), Todo es real [Everything is Real] (Pretextos, 2017) and Una idea de mundo [An idea of the World] (Animal Sospechoso, 2022), among others. I received the Antonio Oliver Belmás Poetry Award and the Ángel Crespo Translation Award.